Tuesday, August 12, 2014

How cmd to hide important files in an image file

Here is a simple trick to hide files in an image file from the Cmd :

Step1: Put some files in a folder say Test and compress the folder it into a zip file Testing.zip

Step2: Place an image in the same location where the zip file is stored.

Step 3: Now open cmd in that directory where the files are stored (eg: E:\..)
For the purpose of demonstration, let us take the following files
1. filename.jpg --- image in which data will be stored.
2. Testing.zip --- Compressed zip file where the data actually is.

In the Command prompt type :
copy /b filename.jpg+Testing.zip  filename.jpg
Press Enter .
Your data is now hidden in the image file.

The sizes of image file increase accordingly. When you double click the image it displays as a normal image. To retrieve the zipped file just right click on the particular image and open it with WinZip/WinRAR, and the archived files will be visible now.You can also change the extension of the image file to .zip so that the hidden files can be accessed simply  by double clicking on it.

  • To cmd solution in directed..


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